Ping IP / IP Checker Traceroute DNS Checker WHOIS Lookup What is My IP PageRank Checker Reverse DNS

Search Engine Optimization Tools

Find here a wide range of free SEO tools to SEO professionals and DIY webmasters.

Ping IP / IP Checker

Test the reachability of a host on an IP network and measure the round-trip time for sent packets.


Displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an IP network.

DNS Lookup / DNS Checker

Displaying all DNS records and NameServers that is associated with a given domain name.

WHOIS Lookup

Displaying WHOIS information that is associated with a given domain name.

What is My IP

Returns your IP address.

Google PageRank Checker

Get Google PageRank and find out how site is important on the web.

Reverse DNS Lookup

Return domain name that is associated with a given IP address.

Web Sniffer

Shows request and response HTTP header and HTML source code of given URL.

HTTP / HTTPS Header Check

Shows response HTTP header of given URL.

SPF Checker

Shows list of IP addresses or subnets that are authorized to send email on behalf domain owners.

robots.txt Checker / Analyzer

Get robots.txt and check access for crawlers with a given URL.

Free Site Submitter

Add your site to most popular search engines.