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Search Engine Excellence Web Award

Apply for the 1-Hit Search Engine Excellence Web Award. Is your web site well designed and does it deserve our web site awards? Apply for your own web site award right here!

The Purpose

The "Search Engine Excellence Web Award" is created to make webmasters aware of the need to spend (more) time on an often neglected aspect of web-design: Search Engine Optimization.

The Criteria

Our web award shows your visitors that you have earned your credits for:

  • Skills in Web Design,
  • A feeling for commerce and marketing and
  • A good knowledge of search engine optimization

The Joy and Disappointment

This award is not a give-away! To make this award worth fighting for, sites are carefully considered to be included in our winners database. Don't be disappointed if you are not awarded at first, improve and try as often as you wish!

The Search Engine Friendly Rating

1-Star: The Site is listed high in search engines on relevant search terms

2-Star: The Site is listed high in search engines and has many visitors

3-Star: The Site is listed high in search engines and has many visitors and good links pointing towards it

4-Star: Your site is search engine friendly, has good links to and from it, many visitors, and good content.

5-Star: Your site is search engine friendly, has no errors, has good links to and from it, many visitors, good content and a professional layout.

This award is not a give-away! To make this award worth fighting for, sites are carefully considered to be included in our winners database. Don't be disappointed if you are not awarded at first, improve and try as often as you wish!

Apply for the Search Engine Excellence Web Award

Your Name:

Your Url:

Your e-mail:

Site Title:

Extra info:(will not be listed on the site)

* Those that are not able to use forms may apply for the award by emailing
* You will be notified of the outcome within 5 working days.
* When your site is not given the award you will be given the reason(s) why is has not.